Generate list of CEL names defining treatment vs. control comparisons

The sampleList function extracts the sample comparisons (contrasts) from the CMAP annotation table and stores them as a list.

cmap <- read.delim("./data/cmap_instances_02.txt", check.names=FALSE) 
# comp_list <- sampleList(cmap, myby="CMP")
comp_list <- sampleList(cmap, myby="CMP_CELL")

Load normalized expression data

The following loads the MAS5 normalized expression data into a single data.frame. To accelerate the import, the data is read from rds files.

chiptype_dir <- unique(readRDS("./data/chiptype.rds"))
df1 <- readRDS(paste0("data/", chiptype_dir[1], "/", "all_mas5exprs.rds"))
df2 <- readRDS(paste0("data/", chiptype_dir[2], "/", "all_mas5exprs.rds"))
df3 <- readRDS(paste0("data/", chiptype_dir[3], "/", "all_mas5exprs.rds"))
affyid <- rownames(df1)[rownames(df1) %in% rownames(df2)]; affyid <- affyid[affyid %in% rownames(df3)]
mas5df <- cbind(df1[affyid,], df2[affyid,], df3[affyid,])

Transform probe set to gene level data

The next step generates gene level expression values. If genes are represented by several probe sets then their mean intensities are used. This is necessary because the U133 chip contains many genes with duplicated probe sets. Probe sets not matching any gene are removed.

myAnnot <- readRDS("./results/myAnnot.rds") 
myAnnot <- myAnnot[as.character(myAnnot[,"ENTREZID"]) != "NA",]
mas5df <- mas5df[rownames(myAnnot),]
idlist <- tapply(row.names(myAnnot), as.character(myAnnot$ENTREZID), c)
mas5df <- t(sapply(names(idlist), function(x) colMeans(mas5df[idlist[[x]], ])))

DEG analysis with limma

The analysis of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) is performed with the limma package. Genes meeting the chosen cutoff criteria are reported as DEGs (below set to FDR of 10% and a minimum fold change of 2). The DEG matrix is written to a file named degMA.xls.

degList <- runLimma(df=log2(mas5df), comp_list, fdr=0.10, foldchange=1, verbose=TRUE, affyid=NULL)
write.table(degList$DEG, file="./results/degMA.xls", quote=FALSE, sep="\t", col.names = NA) 
saveRDS(degList$DEG, "./results/degMA.rds") # saves binary matrix 
saveRDS(degList, "./results/degList.rds") # saves entire degList

Number of DEGs across drug treatments

The following plots the number of drug treatments (y-axis) for increasing bin sizes (x-axis) of DEGs.

degMAgene <- readRDS("./results/degMA.rds")
y <- as.numeric(colSums(degMAgene))
interval <- table(cut(y, right=FALSE, dig.lab=5,  breaks=c(0, 5, 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 10000)))
df <- data.frame(interval); colnames(df) <- c("Bins", "Counts")
ggplot(df, aes(Bins, Counts)) + 
       geom_bar(position="dodge", stat="identity", fill="cornflowerblue") + 
       ggtitle("DEG numbers by bins")

Identify DEG overlaps with Peters et al. (2015)

Peters et al. (2015) reported 1,497 age-related gene expression signatures. The intersectStats function computes their intersects with each of the 3,318 drug-responsive DEG sets from CMAP. The result includes the Jaccard index as a simple similarity metric for gene sets as well as the raw and adjusted p-values based on the hypergeometric distribution expressing how likely it is to obtain the observed intersect sizes just by chance. The results for the 20 top scoring drugs are given below and the full data set is written to a file named degOL_PMID26490707.xls.

PMID26490707 <- read.delim("./data/PMID26490707_S1.xls", comment="#")
myAnnot <- readRDS("./results/myAnnot.rds") 
geneid <- as.character(PMID26490707$"NEW.Entrez.ID")
degMAgene <- readRDS("./results/degMA.rds") # Faster than read.delim()
degMAsub <- degMAgene[rownames(degMAgene) %in% geneid,]
degOL_PMID26490707 <- intersectStats(degMAgene, degMAsub)
write.table(degOL_PMID26490707, file="./results/degOL_PMID26490707.xls", quote=FALSE, sep="\t", col.names = NA) 
sum(degOL_PMID26490707[,1] > 0) # Drugs with any overlap
## [1] 1137
##                                Jaccard_Index longevity_DEG cmap_DEG Intersect         Pval
## alprostadil_HL60                  0.10272537          1192      912       196 1.706881e-29
## dihydroergotamine_HL60            0.06187625          1192      404        93 3.698500e-16
## pergolide_HL60                    0.07815080          1192      767       142 2.631561e-15
## (-)-isoprenaline_HL60             0.05113636          1192      288        72 1.087773e-14
## Prestwick-983_HL60                0.05948447          1192      411        90 2.785586e-14
## nocodazole_HL60                   0.06384324          1192      491       101 4.863951e-14
## anisomycin_HL60                   0.09790419          1192     2475       327 2.312553e-11
## tetryzoline_HL60                  0.03366488          1192      159        44 4.993036e-11
## mebendazole_HL60                  0.06041924          1192      528        98 6.663275e-11
## methylergometrine_HL60            0.04436620          1192      291        63 3.825164e-10
## lycorine_HL60                     0.09093994          1192     2023       268 2.411922e-09
## podophyllotoxin_HL60              0.04175513          1192      280        59 4.108204e-09
## colchicine_HL60                   0.03181818          1192      170        42 5.960591e-09
## co-dergocrine mesilate_HL60       0.05239617          1192      455        82 1.062344e-08
## puromycin_HL60                    0.05060858          1192      448        79 5.282895e-08
## tretinoin_HL60                    0.03738318          1192      251        52 6.182212e-08
## 15-delta prostaglandin J2_HL60    0.04560698          1192      367        68 6.583181e-08
## geldanamycin_HL60                 0.03068862          1192      185        41 2.331048e-07
## bromocriptine_HL60                0.02739726          1192      158        36 6.194257e-07
## apigenin_HL60                     0.06292967          1192      818       119 1.601978e-06
##                                    adj_Pval
## alprostadil_HL60               5.936533e-26
## dihydroergotamine_HL60         1.286338e-12
## pergolide_HL60                 9.152569e-12
## (-)-isoprenaline_HL60          3.783276e-11
## Prestwick-983_HL60             9.688270e-11
## nocodazole_HL60                1.691682e-10
## anisomycin_HL60                8.043059e-08
## tetryzoline_HL60               1.736578e-07
## mebendazole_HL60               2.317487e-07
## methylergometrine_HL60         1.330392e-06
## lycorine_HL60                  8.388664e-06
## podophyllotoxin_HL60           1.428833e-05
## colchicine_HL60                2.073093e-05
## co-dergocrine mesilate_HL60    3.694832e-05
## puromycin_HL60                 1.837391e-04
## tretinoin_HL60                 2.150173e-04
## 15-delta prostaglandin J2_HL60 2.289630e-04
## geldanamycin_HL60              8.107384e-04
## bromocriptine_HL60             2.154363e-03
## apigenin_HL60                  5.571679e-03

Identify DEG overlaps with Sood et al. (2015)

Sood et al. (2015) reported 150 age-related gene expression signatures. The intersectStats function computes their intersects with each of the 3,318 drug-responsive DEG sets from CMAP. The result includes the Jaccard index as a simple similarity metric for gene sets as well as the raw and adjusted p-values based on the hypergeometric distribution expressing how likely it is to observe the observed intersect sizes just by chance. The results for the 20 top scoring drugs are given below and the full data set is written to a file named degOL_PMID26343147.xls.

PMID26343147 <- read.delim("./data/PMID26343147_S1T1.xls", check.names=FALSE, comment="#")
myAnnot <- readRDS("./results/myAnnot.rds") 
geneid <- as.character(myAnnot[rownames(myAnnot) %in% as.character(PMID26343147[,1]), "ENTREZID"])
geneid <- geneid[geneid!="NA"]
degMA <- readRDS("./results/degMA.rds") # Faster then read.delim()
degMA <- degMA[ , !] # Remove columns where DEG analysis was not possible
degMAsub <- degMA[geneid,]
degOL_PMID26343147 <- intersectStats(degMAgene, degMAsub)
write.table(degOL_PMID26343147, file="./results/degOL_PMID26343147.xls", quote=FALSE, sep="\t", col.names = NA) 
sum(degOL_PMID26343147[,1] > 0) # Drugs with any overlap
## [1] 223
degOL_PMID26343147[1:20,] # Top 20 scoring drugs
##                        Jaccard_Index longevity_DEG cmap_DEG Intersect        Pval adj_Pval
## colecalciferol_MCF7      0.017857143            55        2         1 0.008821835        1
## esculin_HL60             0.017857143            55        2         1 0.008821835        1
## flecainide_MCF7          0.017857143            55        2         1 0.008821835        1
## ribostamycin_MCF7        0.017857143            55        2         1 0.008821835        1
## withaferin A_MCF7        0.016000000            55      199         4 0.011470972        1
## dexamethasone_HL60       0.022222222            55       37         2 0.011573654        1
## lobeline_HL60            0.007987220            55     1838        15 0.011600566        1
## idoxuridine_MCF7         0.017543860            55        3         1 0.013204054        1
## metronidazole_MCF7       0.017543860            55        3         1 0.013204054        1
## sulpiride_MCF7           0.017543860            55        3         1 0.013204054        1
## ampyrone_HL60            0.008880995            55     1081        10 0.018769135        1
## chlortetracycline_HL60   0.008080808            55     1442        12 0.021597597        1
## estropipate_MCF7         0.016949153            55        5         1 0.021911500        1
## flunixin_PC3             0.016949153            55        5         1 0.021911500        1
## sulfafurazole_HL60       0.018867925            55       53         2 0.022894704        1
## (-)-MK-801_MCF7          0.016666667            55        6         1 0.026236889        1
## carbarsone_PC3           0.016666667            55        6         1 0.026236889        1
## famprofazone_HL60        0.016666667            55        6         1 0.026236889        1
## guanethidine_HL60        0.016666667            55        6         1 0.026236889        1
## cefalotin_MCF7           0.016393443            55        7         1 0.030543497        1

Drugs affecting known longevity genes

The following identifies CMAP drugs affecting the expression of the IGF1 or IGF1R genes. The final result is written to a file named deg_IGF1.xls.

genesymbols <- c("IGF1", "IGF1R")
geneids <- unique(as.character(myAnnot[myAnnot$SYMBOL %in% genesymbols,"ENTREZID"]))
names(geneids) <- unique(as.character(myAnnot[myAnnot$SYMBOL %in% genesymbols,"SYMBOL"]))
degList <- readRDS("./results/degList.rds") 
df <- data.frame(row.names=colnames(degList$DEG), check.names=FALSE)
index <- which(colSums(degList$DEG[geneids,])>= 1) 
for(i in seq_along(geneids)) {
    tmp <- data.frame(DEG=degList$DEG[geneids[i],index], logFC=degList$logFC[geneids[i],index], FDR=degList$FDR[geneids[i],index])
    colnames(tmp) <- paste0(names(geneids)[i], "_", colnames(tmp))
    df <- cbind(df, tmp[rownames(df),] )    
df <- df[names(index),]
write.table(df, file="./results/deg_IGF1.xls", quote=FALSE, sep="\t", col.names = NA) 

Now the final data.frame can be sorted by increasing mean FDR values.

igfDF <- read.delim("./results/deg_IGF1.xls", row.names=1)
##                                IGF1R_DEG IGF1R_logFC     IGF1R_FDR IGF1_DEG  IGF1_logFC   IGF1_FDR
## camptothecin_MCF7                      1 -1.48180690  4.867357e-07        0  0.94295576 0.07821138
## 0175029-0000_MCF7                      0 -0.62026588  1.193479e-01        1 -1.01210916 0.04295254
## cicloheximide_HL60                     1 -1.29607754  2.054384e-02        0  1.67183429 0.16908728
## emetine_HL60                           1 -1.23843896  3.085463e-03        0  1.03812083 0.26576009
## digoxigenin_PC3                        0  0.54850849  2.488776e-01        1 -1.27142976 0.04219010
## anisomycin_HL60                        1 -2.85399433  1.481347e-03        0  0.66701644 0.44025263
## vorinostat_MCF7                        1 -1.50640830  3.143781e-17        0  0.37179771 0.45437384
## irinotecan_MCF7                        1 -2.26588384  9.895790e-02        0 -1.05446828 0.41746319
## tyrphostin AG-825_MCF7                 1 -1.03570748  3.440048e-02        0  1.57208567 0.51400841
## trichostatin A_MCF7                    1 -1.27541131 6.943847e-127        0  0.07335895 0.55046789
## baclofen_HL60                          1  1.14379132  8.226627e-02        0 -1.00641253 0.53322529
## 8-azaguanine_PC3                       1 -1.04668136  7.466879e-02        0 -0.97679589 0.65221001
## verteporfin_MCF7                       1 -1.11136304  1.226251e-03        0  0.64194152 0.78463681
## piperlongumine_MCF7                    1 -1.03214332  1.088011e-02        0  0.53820854 0.78914488
## verteporfin_HL60                       1 -1.17232840  4.923492e-02        0  1.09438523 0.75358370
## cephaeline_HL60                        1 -1.13448661  1.479635e-02        0 -0.19882135 0.86619935
## lycorine_HL60                          1 -1.93807396  1.390079e-03        0 -0.23062131 0.88748758
## doxorubicin_MCF7                       1 -1.08389932  4.035039e-04        0  0.12613722 0.92452703
## anisomycin_MCF7                        0  0.06265744  8.938603e-01        1 -1.55915713 0.04355888
## 15-delta prostaglandin J2_MCF7         0  0.01396391  9.774076e-01        1  1.03626957 0.09233156

Plot structures of compounds

mypath <- system.file("extdata", "longevitydrugs.sdf", package="longevityTools")
mypath <- "../inst/extdata/longevitydrugs.sdf"
sdfset <- read.SDFset(mypath)
## An instance of "SDFset" with 100 molecules
plot(sdfsample[1:4], print=FALSE)