April 25, 2024

How to Navigate this Slide Show?

  • This ioslides presentation contains scrollable slides.
  • Which slides are scrollable, is indicated by a tag at the bottom of the corresponding slides stating:

[ Scroll down to continue ]

  • The following single character keyboard shortcuts enable alternate display modes of ioslides:
    • f: enable fullscreen mode
    • w: toggle widescreen mode
    • o: enable overview mode
    • h: enable code highlight mode
  • Pressing Esc exits all of these modes. Additional details can be found here.


  • Another Nvim tip: mouse support
  • Tmux overview
  • Module system
  • Big data storage
  • Parallel processing and queuing system
  • Parallel R with batchtools
  • References

Another Nvim tip: mouse support

The following shows how to enable in Nvim mouse support. When enabled one can position the cursor anywhere with the mouse as well as resize split windows, and switch the scope from one window split to another.

  • To enable mouse support, type in Nvim’s command mode:

    • :set mouse=a
  • To toggle back to no mouse support, type in command mode:

    • :set mouse-=a
  • To enable mouse support by default, add set mouse=a to Nvim’s config file located in a user’s home under: ~/.config/nvim/init.vim

  • To find more help on this topic, type in nvim’s command mode:

    • :help mouse


  • Another Nvim tip: mouse support
  • Tmux overview
  • Module system
  • Big data storage
  • Parallel processing and queuing system
  • Parallel R with batchtools
  • References

Tmux for managing terminal sessions

What is Tmux?

  • Tmux is a virtual terminal multiplexer providing re-attachable terminal sessions
  • Advantage: work in a terminal session cannot get lost due to internet disruptions or even when switching computers
  • Combined with the Nvim-r plugin it provides a flexible working environment for R
  • Users can send code from a script to the R console or command-line.
  • On HPCC both Nvim-R and Tmux are pre-configured and easy to install

Typical Usage Workflow for Nvim-R-Tmux

1. Start tmux session from login node (not compute node!)

Running Nvim from tmux provides reattachment functionality. Skip this step if this is not required.

tmux # starts a new tmux session 
tmux a # attaches to an existing or preconfigured session 

2. Open nvim-connected R session

Open a *.R or *.Rmd file with nvim and initialize a connected R session with \rf. Note, the resulting split window among Nvim and R behaves like a split viewport in nvim or vim meaning the usage of Ctrl-w w followed by i and Esc is important for session navigation.

nvim myscript.R # or *.Rmd file

3. Send R code from nvim to the R pane

Single lines of code can be sent from nvim to the R console by pressing the space bar. To send several lines at once, one can select them in nvim’s visual mode and then hit the space bar.

Keybindings to Control Environment

Important keybindings for nvim

  • \rf: opens vim-connected R session. If you do this the first time in your user account, you might be asked to create an R directory under ~/. If so approve this action by pressing y.
  • spacebar: sends code from vim to R; here remapped in init.vim from default \l
  • :split or :vsplit: splits viewport (similar to pane split in tmux)
  • gz: maximizes size of viewport in normal mode (similar to Tmux’s Ctrl-a z zoom utility)
  • Ctrl-w w: jumps cursor to R viewport and back; toggle between insert (i) and command (Esc) mode is required for navigation and controlling the environment.
  • Ctrl-w r: swaps viewports
  • Ctrl-w =: resizes splits to equal size
  • :resize <+5 or -5>: resizes height by specified value

[ Scroll down to continue ]

  • :vertical resize <+5 or -5>: resizes width by specified value
  • Ctrl-w H or Ctrl-w K: toggles between horizontal/vertical splits
  • Ctrl-spacebar: omni completion for R objects/functions when nvim is in insert mode. Note, this has been remapped in init.vim from difficult to type default Ctrl-x Ctrl-o.
  • :h nvim-R: opens nvim-R’s user manual; navigation works the same as for any Vim/Nvim help document
  • :Rhelp fct_name: opens help for a function from nvim’s command mode with text completion support
  • Ctrl-s and Ctrl-x: freezes/unfreezes vim (some systems)

Important keybindings for tmux

Panel-level commands

  • Ctrl-a %: splits pane vertically
  • Ctrl-a ": splits pane horizontally
  • Ctrl-a o: jumps cursor to next pane
  • Ctrl-a Ctrl-o: swaps panes
  • Ctrl-a <space bar>: rotates pane arrangement
  • Ctrl-a Alt <left or right>: resizes to left or right
  • Ctrl-a Esc <up or down>: resizes to left or right
  • Ctrl-a : set -g mouse on: turns on mouse support

Window-level comands

  • Ctrl-a n: switches to next tmux window
  • Ctrl-a Ctrl-a: switches to previous tmux window
  • Ctrl-a c: creates a new tmux window
  • Ctrl-a 1: switches to specific tmux window selected by number

Session-level comands

  • Ctrl-a d: detaches from current session
  • Ctrl-a s: switch between available tmux sessions
  • $ tmux new -s <name>: starts new session with a specific name
  • $ tmux ls: lists available tmux session(s)
  • $ tmux attach -t <id>: attaches to specific tmux session
  • $ tmux attach: reattaches to session
  • $ tmux kill-session -t <id>: kills a specific tmux session
  • Ctrl-a : kill-session: kills a session from tmux command mode


  • Another Nvim tip: mouse support
  • Tmux overview
  • Module system
  • Big data storage
  • Parallel processing and queuing system
  • Parallel R with batchtools
  • References

Software and module system on HPCC

  • Over 2,000 software tools are currently installed on HPCC Cluster
  • Custom installs in user accounts via various mechanisms, e.g. environment management systems such as conda
  • Most common research databases used in bioinformatics are available
  • Support of most common programming languages used in research computing
  • A module system is used to facilitate the management of software tools. This includes any number of versions of each software.
  • New software install requests can be sent to support@hpcc.ucr.edu.
  • To use software manged under the module system, users need to learn using some basic commands. The most common commands are listed below.

Print available modules

module avail

[ Scroll down to continue ]

Print available modules starting with R

module avail R

Load default module R

module load R

Load specific module R version

module load R/4.1.2

List loaded modules

module list

Unload module R

module unload R

Unload specific module R

module unload R/4.1.3


  • Another Nvim tip: mouse support
  • Tmux overview
  • Module system
  • Big data storage
  • Parallel processing and queuing system
  • Parallel R with batchtools
  • References

Big data storage

Each user account on HPCC Cluster comes only with 20GB of disk space. Much more disk space is available in a dedicated bigdata directory. How much space depends on the subscription of each user group. The path of bigdata and bigdata-shared is as follows:

  • /bigdata/labname/username
  • /bigdata/labname/shared

All lab members share the same bigdata pool. The course number gen242 is used as labname for user accounts adminstered under GEN242 (here /bigdata/gen242/shared).

The disk usage of home and bigdata can be monitored on the HPCC Cluster Dashboard.

Additional details can be found on the Project Data page of GEN242 here.


  • Another Nvim tip: mouse support
  • Tmux review
  • Module system
  • Big data storage
  • Parallel processing and queuing system
  • Parallel R with batchtools
  • References

Queuing system: Slurm

HPCC Cluster uses Slurm as queuing and load balancing system. To control user traffic, any type of compute intensive jobs need to be submitted via sbatch or srun (see below) to the computer nodes. Much more detailed information on this topic can be found on these sites:

Job submission with sbatch

Print information about queues/partitions available on a cluster.


[ Scroll down to continue ]

Compute jobs are submitted with sbatch via a submission script (here script_name.sh).

sbatch script_name.sh

The following sample submission script (script_name.sh) executes an R script named my_script.R.

#!/bin/bash -l

#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1G
#SBATCH --time=1-00:15:00 # 1 day and 15 minutes
#SBATCH --mail-user=useremail@address.com
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --job-name="some_test"
#SBATCH -p batch # Choose queue/parition from: intel, batch, highmem, gpu, short

Rscript my_script.R

STDOUT and STDERROR of jobs will be written to files named slurm-<jobid>.out or to a custom file specified under #SBATCH --output in the submission script.

Interactive sessions with srun

This option logs a user in to a computer node of a specified partition (queue), while Slurm monitors and controls the resource request.

srun --pty bash -l

Interactive session with specific resource requests

srun --x11 --partition=short --mem=2gb --cpus-per-task 4 --ntasks 1 --time 1:00:00 --pty bash -l

The argument --mem limits the amount of RAM, --cpus the number of CPU cores, --time the time how long a session will be active. Under --parition one can choose among different queues and node architectures. Current options under --partition for most users of the HPCC cluster are: intel, batch, highmem, gpu, and short. The latter has a time limit of 2 hours.

Monitoring jobs with squeue

List all jobs in queue


List jobs of a specific user

squeue -u <user>

Print more detailed information about a job

scontrol show job <JOBID>

Custom command to summarize and visualize cluster activity


Deleting and altering jobs

Delete a single job

scancel -i <JOBID>

Delete all jobs of a user

scancel -u <username> 

Delete all jobs of a certain name

scancel --name <myJobName>

Altering jobs with scontrol update. The below example changes the walltime (<NEW_TIME>) of a specific job (<JOBID>).

scontrol update jobid=<JOBID> TimeLimit=<NEW_TIME>

Resource limits

Resourse limits for users can be viewed as follows.

sacctmgr show account $GROUP format=Account,User,Partition,GrpCPUs,GrpMem,GrpNodes --ass | grep $USER

Similarly, one can view the limits of the group a user belongs to.

sacctmgr show account $GROUP format=Account,User,Partition,GrpCPUs,GrpMem,GrpNodes,GrpTRES%30 --ass | head -3


  • Another Nvim tip: mouse support
  • Tmux review
  • Module system
  • Big data storage
  • Parallel processing and queuing system
  • Parallel R with batchtools
  • References

Parallel Evaluations in R

  • Note: the content on the following slides is also available in this tutorial section here.
  • R provides a large number of packages for parallel evaluations on multi-core, multi-socket and multi-node systems. The latter are usually referred to as computer clusters.
  • MPI is also supported
  • For an overview of parallelization packages available for R see here
  • One of the most comprehensive parallel computing environments for R is batchtools. Older versions of this package were released under the name BatchJobs (Bischl et al. 2015).
  • batchtools supports both multi-core and multi-node computations with and without schedulers. By making use of cluster template files, most schedulers and queueing systems are supported (e.g. Torque, Sun Grid Engine, Slurm).
  • The BiocParallel package (see here) provides similar functionalities as batchtools, but is tailored to use Bioconductor objects.

Reminder: Traditional Job Submission for R

This topic is covered in more detail in the basic Linux/HPC tutorial here. Briefly, the following shows how to submit a script for precessing to the computing nodes.

1. Create Slurm submission script, here called script_name.sh with:

#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1G
#SBATCH --time=1-00:15:00 # 1 day and 15 minutes
#SBATCH --mail-user=useremail@address.com
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --job-name="some_test"
#SBATCH -p short # Choose queue/partition from: intel, batch, highmem, gpu, short

Rscript my_script.R

2. Submit R script called my_script.R by above Slurm script with:

sbatch script_name.sh

Parallel Evaluations on Clusters with batchtools

  • The following introduces the usage of batchtools for a computer cluster using SLURM as scheduler (workload manager). SLURM is the scheduler used by the HPCC at UCR.
  • Similar instructions are provided this tutorial section covering batchtools here
  • To simplify the evaluation of the R code on the following slides, the corresponding text version is available for download from here.

Hands-on Demo of batchtools

Set up working directory for SLURM

First login to your cluster account, open R and execute the following lines. This will create a test directory (here mytestdir), redirect R into this directory and then download the required files:

download.file("https://bit.ly/3Oh9dRO", "slurm.tmpl")
download.file("https://bit.ly/3KPBwou", ".batchtools.conf.R")

Load package and define some custom function

The following code defines a test function (here myFct) that will be run on the cluster for demonstration purposes.

[ Scroll down to continue ]

The test function (myFct) subsets the iris data frame by rows, and appends the host name and R version of each node where the function was executed. The R version to be used on each node can be specified in the slurm.tmpl file (under module load).

module('load','slurm') # Loads slurm among other modules

myFct <- function(x) {
    Sys.sleep(10) # to see job in queue, pause for 10 sec
    result <- cbind(iris[x, 1:4,],
        Node=system("hostname", intern=TRUE),
        Rversion=paste(R.Version()[6:7], collapse="."))

Submit jobs from R to cluster

The following creates a batchtools registry, defines the number of jobs and resource requests, and then submits the jobs to the cluster via SLURM.

reg <- makeRegistry(file.dir="myregdir", conf.file=".batchtools.conf.R")
Njobs <- 1:4 # Define number of jobs (here 4)
ids <- batchMap(fun=myFct, x=Njobs) 
done <- submitJobs(ids, reg=reg, resources=list(partition="short", walltime=120, ntasks=1, ncpus=1, memory=1024))
waitForJobs() # Wait until jobs are completed

Summarize job status

After the jobs are completed one can inspect their status as follows.

getStatus() # Summarize job status
# killJobs(Njobs) # # Possible from within R or outside with scancel

Access/assemble results

The results are stored as .rds files in the registry directory (here myregdir). One can access them manually via readRDS or use various convenience utilities provided by the batchtools package.

readRDS("myregdir/results/1.rds") # reads from rds file first result chunk
lapply(Njobs, loadResult)
reduceResults(rbind) # Assemble result chunks in single data.frame
do.call("rbind", lapply(Njobs, loadResult))

Remove registry directory from file system

By default existing registries will not be overwritten. If required one can explicitly clean and delete them with the following functions.

clearRegistry() # Clear registry in R session
removeRegistry(wait=0, reg=reg) # Delete registry directory
# unlink("myregdir", recursive=TRUE) # Same as previous line

Load registry into R

Loading a registry can be useful when accessing the results at a later state or after moving them to a local system.

from_file <- loadRegistry("myregdir", conf.file=".batchtools.conf.R")


Advantages of batchtools

  • many parallelization methods: multiple cores, and across both multiple CPU sockets and nodes
  • most schedulers supported
  • takes full advantage of a cluster
  • robust job management by organizing results in registry file-based database
  • simplifies submission, monitoring and restart of jobs
  • well supported and maintained package


  • Another Nvim tip: mouse support
  • Tmux review
  • Module system
  • Big data storage
  • Parallel processing and queuing system
  • Parallel R with batchtools
  • References


Bischl, Bernd, Michel Lang, Olaf Mersmann, Jörg Rahnenführer, and Claus Weihs. 2015. “BatchJobs and BatchExperiments: Abstraction Mechanisms for Using R in Batch Environments.” Journal of Statistical Software. http://www.jstatsoft.org/v64/i11/.